Monday, May 24, 2010

Floating Lotus Zendo participates at a Rural Pennsylvanian United Methodist Church

Some of the questions we were asked at Adult Sunday School were “What do you do to help someone when we would pray to God?” “How do you give suffering people hope in the life hereafter?” “Who gives a Buddhist teacher authority to teach?” “Is teaching meditation the same as teaching Buddhism?” The questions were challenging and significant.

The church atmosphere was lively and joyous with a strong social support network very evident. People smiled straight into our eyes. We were welcomed by people and children from different ethnic groups in an area where very few people of non-European origin reside. Before us a local Republican congressman spoke on the strong presence and practice of Christianity in government in DC.

It was a privilege as Buddhists to be asked to speak with a Christian congregation. The pastor told us that the congregation regularly does 10 minutes contemplation akin to meditation and offers yoga classes. He also expressed awareness of the division from non-Christians that Christian language can sometimes seem to create. He suggested that other Methodist Churches would like to have similar conversations with us.
We offer our appreciation for this very happy meeting.

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